Saving money isn’t always easy, especially when you feel like you barely make it paycheck to paycheck as it is. Thanks to our financial relief experts at Financial Solutions Inc., however, we have a few thrifty tips to hopefully help make things a little easier.
Cut Out Cable
With so many more affordable new ways to watch your favorite content from just about anywhere, cable is practically obsolete now anyway. Cut the cords holding you hostage and make 2021 your year to embrace fresh entertainment that won’t cost you nearly as much!
Bank Smarter
If you don’t have an account with a bank that offers free checking and ATM use, no account minimums, and fewer/lower fees, you’re likely losing more money than you even realize. Switching to a smaller, local bank/credit union though can save you big!
Drop The Dead Weight
Notice a few memberships fees on your statement for services or memberships you no longer want/use? Get rid of them. If you’re not getting your money’s worth they’re definitely not worth keeping.
Have Fun For Free
Movies, clubs, events, shows, and more can all cost a lot of money; but don’t forget there is plenty of free entertainment in the world. Going to a park, on a hike, or even to a local bookstore or library can be fantastic ways to spend the day. You might even find a free event or two along the way. You’d be surprised how often museums, art galleries, and other public cultural centers offer free entry during specific dates/occasions.
Take Advantage of Discounts
Are you a veteran, senior, student, or otherwise a member of a specific organization that offers financial perks at your local shops and stores? Use them! A 5% discount here and 15% discount there really add up, and can make a huge difference in your overall spending.
Sell Old Stuff
Have some old belongings you no longer need? See who might pay a pretty penny for your treasures instead of just throwing them out!
Learn To Be More Handy
There are certain things every person should know if they want to be self-sufficient and save money, and basic home and auto maintenance are right at the top. Learning to change your own oil, and making sure you’re cleaning/changing out your HVAC filters every month, are important. It’ll be so much cheaper than paying someone else to do it, or worse, paying for repairs.
Price Matching and Tracking
If you see something you love online, or even in a store, chances are you can find it somewhere else for less. Don’t be a sucker for convenience. Be patient, track and match prices through difference vendors, and wait for your ideal moment to strike.
Buy Generic
Did you know that most generic, store-brand items are actually the exact same as their name-brand counterparts? Just read the labels and see for yourself. From food, to over the counter medications, you’re almost always better off buying generic.
Spring For Greater Quality
Though your honed money-saving instincts might always tell you to save as much as you can with every purchase, there are some things worth the higher price. You should never skimp on things like HVAC equipment, vacuums, kitchen knives, car batteries, tires, and other home and auto appliances and features that you plan to use a lot for a long time. The higher the quality of these items, the more efficient they will be and the longer they will last, meaning fewer repair/replacement costs for you.
Buy Your Own Modem/Router
A decent modem or router can be purchased from any electronic store for less than $100 on average. Most providers, however, will charge you $10-$15 per month to rent them, which means you can end up paying as much as twice that in a single year – definitely not worth it.
Buy In Bulk
From school lunches/snacks, to toiletries, sometimes buying in bulk is the way to go – so long as you’re actually using up your inventory and not just hoarding toothpaste and toilet paper.
Use Free Samples
Are you aware of how many companies will send you free samples just for filling out surveys or joining mailing lists? The answer is quite a few. You can get food samples, cleaning supplies, pet food, toiletries, and so much more, as well as coupons for money off future purchases of those same items!
Use Savings Apps
In today’s world, there are all kinds of savings and money-back apps you can use to get discounts and rebates on the things you buy every day anyway. Many of them are even free to join and use!
Make Things Last
Hate needing to buy new things? Learn how to make yours last. Whether that means learning how to mend clothes, or learning how to effectively clean and maintain furniture and appliances, you will not be sorry you learned a few new skills.
Did you know your electronics and appliances can cost you money even when they’re not being used? It’s true! So long as they’re plugged in they’re using up minute traces of energy that can add up and wind up costing you hundreds of dollars per year. Meanwhile, all unplugging costs you is some time.
Don’t Be Afraid To Return Things
Not completely satisfied with a purchase, or confident you should have made the purchase at all? Don’t be afraid to take advantage of a store’s return policy. Most places will accept items within 30 days no questions asked. Just make sure you double check what your store’s return policy is, and always keep your receipts!
Use Alternative Transportation
Owning a car can be pricey. You have car payments, maintenance, insurance, gas, and more to worry about, and it adds up fast. Alternative transportation, however, is easy. You can ride a bike, take a bus, try the subway, rent a taxi, or even find a cool carpool to join. So long as you’re creative, and safe, your possibilities are endless.
Buy Secondhand
Need new clothes, or electronics? Check out second-hand stores first. In many cases you can even still find the brands you’re looking for a fraction of their original price.
Take Care Of Yourself
Take good care of yourself by eating right and getting enough exercise. Know your medical history and unique health risks. Get your annual check ups and exams. Invest in your health with preventative care and you’ll hopefully avoid unexpected illnesses and medical expenses.
Get Help Escaping Overwhelming Financial Burdens
Is a stubborn debt, like a timeshare, holding you back in life? Find the financial solutions you seek at Financial Solutions Inc. We specialize in helping clients break free from the timeshares and find financial relief. In fact, your peace of mind very well might just be a phone call away!
Looking for a serious means of escape? Financial Solutions Inc. has your solution. Our game-changing timeshare cancellation services are unlike anything you’ve ever heard of, and best of all, they’re powerfully effective. We will help you get out from under the burdens of your timeshare. All you have to do is give us the chance! Looking to take advantage of our exclusive timeshare cancellation services? Contact us, today.